
credibility gap 信用差距〔指政府官員等言論與事實的不符〕;(兩類人之間的...


After analyzing the reasons of credibility gap , the article proposes that the government should : ( 1 ) enact and perfect the laws and rules relevant to credit management , strengthen the management and execution , and provide good circumstances for the enterprise credit management through perfecting the macro - control system ; and ( 2 ) on this basis , combine china “ s enterprise credit management situation with occidental advanced enterprise credit management theory , and carry out comprehensive and systematic credit management 文章通過剖析企業信用缺失的原因,然后提出:一方面政府要建立、健全信用管理相關的法律和制度,加強管理和執法力度,通過國家宏觀制度的完善為企業信用管理創造良好的環境。在此基礎上,另一方面要將西方先進的企業信用管理理論和我國企業信用管理實際狀況相結合,對企業實施全面系統的信用管理。

Chapter 3 , reasons of enterprise credibility gap , discusses the problems from the sectors of macroscopic environment and the enterprises themselves , and tries to find the crux of the problems 第三章企業信用缺失原因的分析,分別從宏觀環境的影響因素和企業自身信用管理存在的問題進行探討,力求從中找到解決問題的癥結所在。

The credibility gap is the result of a deliberate policy of artificial manipulation of official news 民眾對政府的不信任是官方假造新聞政策的結果。